The Need
A recent CDC study showed:
1 out of 3 U.S. high school students said they struggled with their mental health during most of the pandemic.
More than 2 out of 5 felt so sad or hopeless that they stopped doing usual activities.
About 1 out of 5 seriously considered suicide.
Directly or through friends or family, kids are being impacted by things like divorce, self-harm, social media, drugs, porn, bullying, and mental health earlier and earlier.
Navigating Everything, is a 4-week series based on Brett Ullman's book and videos, designed to empower parents, grandparents, educators, and youth leaders to gain clarity and become more equipped to face the challenges of this culture. Every week you will walk away with new information and insight into today's trends and tangible tools and strategies you can use immediately.
​Class Facilitators: Pastor Jim and Suzi Josselyn & Deauna and Mike Mansfield
Registration and Access to Class Content
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Click here to sign up for class.
Click here to watch Navigating Everything Trailer and Videos (after signing up for RightNow Media)
See schedule and class presentations below for class content.
Want More: Access Brett Ullman's website, blog, and youtube channel click here.
The Big Idea
By Design
As Humans, Our OUTWARD actions and attitudes reflect our INWARD beliefs and attitudes. How we think, care, act, and feel are always shaping one another.
Our God-given super-power is our ability to intentionally engage our head, heart, and hands so that we grow in faith.
Outside-In Parenting
An outside-in parent thinks what their kid is doing or achieving indicates their kid's healthy development and of their own success and effectiveness as a parent. So their choices tell a story that grades, popularity, athletic achievement, and following rules are most important.
Faith Forward Parenting
Faith forward parents are focused on helping their kids grow into fully devoted followers of Christ who . So they are intent on empowering theirr kids lean into Jesus to develop the love, compassion, and determination to give their best effort at home, school, and play.
Class Schedule & Presentations
Week 2 April 20
18 years X 365 days= 6552 days. Every day we get exactly 1440 minutes. Therefore, our everyday, ordinary life matters. At our best, we are prioritizing activities that help our kids develop a faith worldview that helps them grow from the inside-out, build supportive relationships, and maintain balance.
Week 3 April 27 Communication
If we do not have a relationship with our kids, we lack the influence to speak into their lifes. With intention, what we say and how we say it can help us build supportive relationships and even turn conflict into connection. talk about important topics like sex, faith, and drugs.
Week 4 May 4
When we realize every child will tear down their parent's fence to build their own, discipline becomes more about teaching kids to behave properly not punishing them for behaving poorly. With intention, we can help our kids want to grow into their best selves so they are motivated to make good choices and realign when they get off-track.