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Power of a Pause for Christian Couples
About The toolkit
Each of us plays an irreplaceable role in a story bigger than ourselves. We are unconditionally significant and we matter to each other! Our circumstances do not define us, nor do they limit us from making a difference. Instead our circumstances uniquely position us to make a positive impact. That means no matter where we are in the world or what success, failure, hardship or joy we are experiencing, there is an opportunity for each of us to make a positive difference every moment of the day.
Built on timeless, universal principles, the THINK CARE ACT Toolkit leads participants through a series of logical explanations, heartwarming stories and engaging activities that inspire, empower and equip participants to use the good, the bad and the ugly parts of their story to bring out the best in themselves and others. With stronger roots and improving impact, participants establish a pathway for growing in their best life.
Watch the video below to learn more.
What is unique about the THINK CARE ACT Program and other HHH tools is they are built on timeless, universal principles. The text and the activities are designed for all demographics. By adapting the stories to fit different audiences the program relevant to any demographic. To date the THINK CARE ACT Program has been used in California, India, Guatemala, South Africa, Kenya, Mexico and Ethiopia.
Addressing human value, not just behavior, the lessons focus on:
Lesson 1 Understanding our life matters Go to Lesson 1
Lesson 2 Believing we are uniquely positioned Go to Lesson 2
Lesson 3 Gaining motivation to make a positive impact Coming Soon
Lesson 4 Giving our best effort because we care Coming Soon
Lesson 5 Prioritizing activities that help us grow Coming Soon